The Top Qualities of a Champion
The Make Up of Champions
“Champions are not like you and I. They have this deep reservoir of will and determination’. Said Larry Merchant when talking about the difference between champions and the rest. For a champion, no matter how volatile a situation is, their goal remains unchanged, and that goal is to succeed and their mental make up serves this purpose. Though it may seem innate, championship qualities are learned, rather than being born with. Let’s look at other traits make up a champion, so that you can become a champion-in-training with promises of future success:
This is possibly the most important aspect out of everything. Champions love their craft because it’s their stage where they can truly express themselves. Champions refuse to lose, and don’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit’. Without getting overly excited and always remaining calm, the elite champions are in full self- control, because the stage is where they are most at home. The aspects of your character must shine through, be yourself, let your performance reflect who you are, at the most deepest possible depths. Expression evokes a feeling of purpose, and purpose is our life’s subconscious goal. This starts from character.

Muhummad Ali was the epitome of character
Mike Tyson, paraphrasing Cus D’Amato, once said that Muhummad Ali ‘was the greatest, because of his character. It may be difficult to understand in the beginning, but if you are dedicated to walking up the path of mastery or greatness, you will find that individual identity is necessary to get to your destination. Think about the best fighters in boxing history. NOT ONE of the legends can ever be called a copy of another, and there will never be ‘another Sugar Ray Robinson’ etc. You, are the only you that will be ever come into the world. You are born individual, yet social conditioning stifles this. Use your development in boxing to help bring out your individual qualities that make you special.
Champions Adapt
“A true champion can adapt to anything”, a quote that Floyd Mayweather Jr loves. No matter what the situation, a champion always finds a way to win. Regardless of the obstacle in front of them, they remain confident in their abilities, and expect success because they expect to find the solution. Never allow yourself to be discouraged no matter how hard times get, because “tough times don’t last, tough people do”.

Floyd could adapt in both life and in the ring
This is one of the most significant aspects of life. Everyone is faced with challenges and obstacles. Every fighter will be faced with roadblocks, and the difference between champions and everyone else, is that champions don’t give up. They find a creative solution to the problem presented to them. This is the key. This is how champions personally develop. Finding the solution requires them to better themselves or gain a new quality, and after years of doing this, they end up being the champion with many qualities that the others don’t have. Success isn’t a sprint. It’s a long marathon, and the last man standing always wins.
Goal Orientation
Champions know exactly what they want, and that’s to win and succeed. The thought of the challenge excites him. A fighter’s one and only desire should be to be the best on the planet and nothing should discourage or distract him from this goal. The very thought of winning results and the accolades should excite you. Always work with a positive goal in mind.

Joe Louis was more more goal-orientated in the Max Schmeling rematch
Identify the priorities of your life and your goal. Think about the long term goal and what needs to be done to get there. Then make your plan by working backwards. Every action or activity you do NEEDS to get you closer to the long term goal, even if it sometimes clashes with short term success. Deal with the short term consequences as they come. And even if you have to lose a few battles, always plan to win the war.
Tunnel Vision and Focus
Upon knowing their desired goal, champions direct as much of their energy towards this goal. The most elite fighters avoid external distractions affecting because they know no matter what happens, the job has to be done. The fighter that allows himself to be distracted by people, problems or the environment around him risks limiting his potential for success. Sacrifice in this sense is key, if you really want to be a winner, most, if not all, of your energy and focus should be directed towards your dream.

Marvellous Marvin was always focused on the goal of victory
‘Marvellous’ Marvin Hagler described his training camp as a ‘self-imposed prison’. This was because he would limit interaction with activities that do not contribute to the goal of absolutely destroying his opponent come fight night. This limitation extended to his family. The only activity that would dominate his days was getting up and training, so that by fight time he had done absolutely everything to achieve his cause. This defeats the worry of doubt, as you know you done all you could. Confidence comes from practice and training. Focus on progress.
Confidence & Self Belief
There is no way a boxer is going to be successful if they lack confidence. You cannot let negativity to exist in your mind. It will ruin you, so why let it? Do not involve yourself in the impractical. A champion gets excited by the very thought of exhibiting his skill and will on the stage. If the crowd is one that is with him, then he salivates at the thought of giving what they expect. If the crowd is against him, he’s even more anxious to get out there and shock them and soak in the surprise of his success.

Sugar Ray Leonard was shy as a boy, and grew in confidence
True confidence cannot be made for the moment. And confidence isn’t what you do, it’s more what you are. It often takes the greatest of men years to grow confidence at this type of level. And this is the most pleasurable (in the long term) and productive part of the journey. Remaining confident through all types of adversities and situations is a state that can only be attained through consistency.
“Everyone thinks it’s the tough guys and the surly guys [that are most successful], but no. It’s the fighter who loves what he does, and is happy to be in there doing what he does” – Mike Tyson.
A champion is always enthusiastic about stepping into the ring because he loves it. It’s what he lives for. A champion must allow themselves to feel the passions they have, because it’s what drives your motivation. Always remain calm and in control, but allow your love for the game to flow though you.

Pacquiao’s passion is shown through his smiley ring walks
Passion is the fuel that will strengthen the engine of motivation. When you’re tired, discouraged or maybe just a bit in a down period whilst training, passion will be the most important thing you have to improve your vibe or situation. Allowing yourself to feel the pure passion and love that you have for the sport. Think about the feeling that first inspired you into boxing, and give it permission to guide you into action.
Dedicated Hunger
A champion understands that to stay on top of their game, they have no choice but to stay committed and avoid distractions. True champions are the ones that are willing to always do more than their peers. Champions do what others are not able or willing to do. Sacrifices can be hard, but in the long run it’ll all be worth it if the passion you have is pure. And besides, doing what you love in many ways is not even really a sacrifice.

Mike has said that ‘a fighter needs to go through struggle to be successful’
Hunger means to be lacking something. It isn’t enough to want to gain something from boxing. Rather, champions often came from a place of great deprivation, whether it was financially, emotionally, psychologically and so forth. Boxing offered them a way to fill this need. When you lack something, or have nothing, the ONLY option you have is to dedicate yourself to what it is you’re doing. On the other hand, when your need is satisfied, you will never really need to do the most, because either way, you’ll be okay. If you haven’t identified your need yet, or the thing that you lack that boxing will provide, think deeply and find it.
A champion needs to have heart. Heart is really the embodiment of all these values in a way, but in the most purist of forms. It’s the product of what happens when you internalise the values we’ve discussed. Heart will have you run one more mile when your body is done, fight one more round when you think you have nothing left, and get up off the canvas when it seems that all hope is lost. Heart forces a fighter do go against the odds when everything is stacked against him. And you’ll get a primitive satisfaction from it all. You must always believe, and you must always remind yourself of your love for your craft. Think of it like a marriage, times can get hard, but it will work out in the end if you believe and stick to it. Never lose hope, and that marriage will bear you happiness and fulfilment beyond your wildest imaginations.

Evander was known for his tremendous ‘heart’
Heart comes from deep within you. Within the deepest depths of your consciousness and your being is where heart resides. It can be developed and nurtured. But it takes countless hours and numerous years. After providing your mind with tangible results and successes, your confidence will grow. After encountering obstacles that threaten your journey, your passion will blow them to the side. You will know in your head that you have done what it takes to justify being titled a champion. A champion isn’t defined by a belt, it’s by who he is. If it was all taken away, could he do it again? A true champion can, because he has heart.
Final Note – Are They Doing It?
Champion’s all have one thing in common: their mindset. Whilst everyone else will be satisfied and complacent with who they are today, the champion will seek to be better tomorrow. While being quite simple, the execution of constant progression is an exclusive reality for a rare few. As a champion-in-training, you have to work on building up an honest and effective mentality. When you start to question if it’s worth it, always ask yourself, are they doing it? If the other guy is, then you need to do more. Do that, and you can count on success to come for you.
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